Monday, September 26, 2011

Listen to Your Heart Talk - 7 questions to learn more about you

!9# Listen to Your Heart Talk - 7 questions to learn more about you

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I chose three great experiences to share with you that crystallized in my growth to know intimately, and to honor my heart and drive. The first literally introduced me who I really was inside. The second story was more like a love spell with myself and the third was a story of true unconditional love in a non-conventional. May these stories open up your heart so that you can listen to and honor the inner voice. Can move these important stories you ask seven questionsreally listen and talk to trust your heart.

Story 1

I have been abroad for a medical mission volunteer for an organization called Operation Smile. The team was to perform craniofacial surgery for children in the Philippines in the providence of Legaspi City, Albay. We were working and living in a village at the foot of an active volcano called Mount Mayon. During our mission, often smoldering Mount Mayon caused numerous earthquakes, and finally broke. All theTeam was on a voluntary basis. Our places of origin were from all over the world. The passion for children and our mission was the common language of the multi-cultures of each team member together. Due to the volcanic ash from the volcano smoking earlier this week, we had been without electricity for several days.

One evening I was sitting on the floor to write in my journal in a small bath by candlelight. I discovered it was a greatWriting on the spot, because the candlelight filled the room. When I began to tremble from my experience working in the hospital a day diary, the room suddenly began. I paused, looked toward the door when the building was shaking under me, then aggressive, and soon extinguished my candle. I sat with my breathing and my heartbeat --- I noticed is still holding the candle, as if it lights up.

Paralysis overtook me - I did not move. A leaked internal slowly in silence in the noisyThe walls are shaking. My heart beat stronger and stronger and was also a feeling of extreme peace have begun to emerge. Soon the rest surrounded me and filled the darkened bathroom. I had no idea what comes next. From a corner of the room as if looking at some old-time silent movie with the waving of the film was --- ----- --- every aspect of my life Live Ticker has shown me.

I looked awe struck to make it in this dark room shaking a screen Screenme and my every thought, every action, every decision, every feeling that I have always dated the day of my birth, who had just experienced at that moment in time. My heart was talking with me, talk to me, shows me the essence of my life out loud during the third year. Tears filled my eyes and a wave of complete peace of heart rose when I saw the first time and accepted for who I was.

When fully realized that I did not go from this life, I have all of me for the first timeit was found that I was at this moment and everything I had and finished with my life. I took my death calmly and complete solution for all my decisions in life. I met my heart and for the first time I met him. The earthquake, with the eruption of Mount Mayon.

The team has survived although the volcanic ash has been overwhelming, and we were not able to fly back to Manila from Legaspi. The team received news that a bus would have happened to us early in the morning on his way drudging14 hours along the muddy roads back to Manila. After receiving this message, some of us looked at each other and with a heart filled with hugs area have decided that nobody would go to sleep that night. We were afraid that did not wake up, covered in ash, or lava due. Instead, we spent the evening eating dancing, singing and making music. Even if it was non-speaking, we all knew that we spent the evening celebrating the death and then celebrate our rebirth. So, in 30 years, embrace, Iwas - who I really was - from all social and family expectations and self-imposed boundaries --- I was born.

Story 2

Born after the age of 30 years later, as I deeply and completely in love with me. It took me five years to the layers that had accumulated in my life built by building models, followed influences and expectations of others and made choices that were wounded my heart and inner knowing. The most succinct way to describe thisI divorced my excretion. I am separated from the old place, which has kept the new heart. I divorced my husband, I divorced my friends, my family and my career. I divorced my preconceived ideas about what my life would be like this, I divorced my genetic code, I divorced my body aches, I divorced my old eating habits, I divorced my unconscious way of life.

A friend described him with these words: Most people walk around with a thorn in the foot. AFirst it hurts and it bothers a little '. This impacts their ability to move effortlessly forward in their lives. They believe in themselves - that I'm complaining or concerned about this plug, although some have no feet - some are more thorns than me, so stop complaining about it - ignore it - they are content to live life with this plug, and just go through every day to accept the pain, the discomfort they feel the imbalance of the foot with every step. Until one day someone walksoffering the eye or remove an event occurs, and have chosen for themselves to remove the plug. Suddenly a whole new world appears - a world free of pain with more balance and ease in every step of the foot. Now they are lighter on their feet, and are easier and easier to move forward in their lives.

I divorced my old way of life from my eye. It 'important that I tell you, the brutality that always accompanies, without first removing the plug. TheRawness is real and necessary. The roughness creates a space for you to build your inner strength again, while the wound heals. The coarseness prevents screws into decisions that are not really your heart. Create a limp in your step and look forward to your slow progress. Many depressed at this time when the celebration is actually a moment of honor and your courage. The crudeness gives you time to focus and center of your jump on the next steps forward, no. Once theCrude settled down - I moved from north-east of Boulder, Colorado. I decided not to punish my intuitive abilities and skills, and I opened my business dedicated to serving children and families as a child intuitively.

Going back to the days when they are deeply in love with her the day of my 35th birthday was - July 20, 2005. I took one of my intuitive sessions on the phone for a newborn in Atlanta, Georgia. To ensure that the reading was successfulrecorded, I sat in the middle of my living room and heard from my clients before sending. Even though I had registered more than 50 sessions of clients from now, I never had time to sit and listen to hit an entire session.

When my voice in song in my living room from the recording device - made me sit in awe total to listen to that voice. Who was this person who I thought? What is a purity and the extraordinary beauty of the body resonance of that voice I was hearing. I was really soaway from the fact that I was, I had heard. That was not me, it was impossible - my self-perception is not even close to what I could objectively of this flows from the voice recorder to come listen. The tears in his eyes --- my mouth open - I began to embrace my knees and rock back and forth.

Who was this woman? Their skills have been inspiring - to see their skills and for this child all over the country love the energetic connection with the boy - was simply stunning - l 'Genuineness and authenticity in the accuracy of every word that comes magically through his voice was remarkable. I need this woman I thought of doing justice. What does true love and purity of this woman. Reality snap into place and the realization that this woman's true that I fell in love with her voice alone was - I was.

I rolled into a ball on my living room floor and sobbed. Then I started to apologize out loud to my heart and every other part of my body that Iallowed over the years, sometimes to be injured, hurt, used, abandoned, exploited, shamed, ignored and misunderstood in my life until now. Who are we in any case less to live, rather than honor our true selves - our bodies and all the messages we receive, in honor of - that we ignore our feelings and our intuition, but who we really love us. We serve no one to love without us first.

Story 3

"Their natural now," he said, "no business".It was on the driving force behind my current state of being. I just lost my job. Yes, the corporate job that I'm thinking that I could adapt, manipulated to make good money. She is Eliza.

Eliza is a woman of 70 with love, light and give unconditional love and the service is filled to the next. Most people can not really understand when I describe the attributes of this extraordinary woman. Most think they understand --- you probably have visions of a woman who givesNeed help or someone when they are down - or woman who volunteers her time to charity and helping fill a room with love only with their presence. These are all pre-programmed look at our culture as a "giving women" who live in our vision of life prescribed in the box. The way of life that we all must work to embody ---, mortgage, family, thank you cards, holiday gifts, words of gratitude to form a good credit card, etc. appear

Oh, if only I coulddescribe the various forms of life that are truly at hand. True happiness in life and love, not that most secular people can see. The new perspectives and insights and opportunities to interact with the world to love, be, and give each other. It 'like a diamond faceted. Eliza has taught me. Not through conferences, books, or workshops. Taught by a new paradigm, or rather an old paradigm - a paradigm of pure teaching of the doctrine now known lost, the core of all greatThe leaders of Jesus, Mother Theresa, Gandhi ---- Yogananda taught me to just be themselves.

I went down to a small library in Boulder metaphysical center in the same way I have to solve every week and with the divine, when they enter information about my life in the "corporate world" connection charge. I knew I wanted to live life not much - even though I had started my own business as a child friendly implementation intuitive reading for children and families --- I still hadof money to attract a company, research / experimentation on language development of children needed to join.

This work has most of my energy and concentration - for about 50 hours a week of my energy, to be exact, when I went down the stairs of Eliza, at the foot of the stairs, the bar, stood up to the ' high when she looked at me. I met her for the first time, rebuked me in their own way and style, "you want to read - come", and began to carry me to the back of the store. My thoughts werescattered. Not really, I thought. I know this (reads) to me. I'm not really in the mood to focus on me.

My thoughts stopped as she spoke, and I knew then that she wanted to shake my world - I was not aware of how the extent to which this would happen. I felt nervous in the interior still filled with a calm and paradoxical centrality. Eliza looked like a "bum". He had long gray hair that hit the center of the back. She smiled a lot, but a couple of teeth -the rest of his smile was a black void that I see, was a door of his heart was full. He was wearing several layers of heavy blankets and knitted to resemble a house, who were directing their ears. Large fans on the walls along with various objects and the prayer chains dangling push pin flames - My room was all shawls filled hanging beams.

There was a tablecloth covered with stacks of books set aside. Two chairs were in front of the crowdTable from each other. Eliza and myself sitting in one another. He had a stack of decks of cards and some other ground in a corner of his desk. He pulled out several decks of cards and mix just started talking, and ask me many questions. Our relationship had begun. Eliza - not for their services - they asked what he called love.

Without the declaration justification that I began to see Eliza regularly - sometimes I have planned events - sometimes Ijust appeared. "What has happened?" was my thought every time he came to see Elizabeth, of course - I felt as if I were Dan Millman Way of the Peaceful Warrior, and his encounters with Socrates. Our first meetings were filled with an energy of formality. I came with an agenda of topics and maps, drawing with crayons cry, the tissues were revealed answers. One day, Eliza took my hand - I went to the bookstore and bought $ 85.00 worth of books. They charged menothing. Allow me was to receive one of the first of many lessons I showed Eliza. How could someone just without giving something in return? To compensate for my insecurity about my deep conviction that nothing is free - I gave her cash or checks ranging from $ 40 to $ 100.

Every day was unexpected - a couple of days I would walk away from sessions with Eliza with their gifts of prayer chains, flyers, scarves, a marble polar bear, or a CD of spiritual music. Thingshave been transferred. I was changing. In my activities and meetings with families and children, I have seen change myself and give freely of my books, my jewelry and toys. I saw myself start to happen with a new liquid readings to read excerpts from books, or drawing with chalk for the customer to express something and give it to them to bring home to perform. Over time, my sessions with Eliza was always relaxed. We would like to laugh more, love to share more and more. Nothing was asappeared - another lesson learned for life. Although I have always embraced this concept intellectually, I experienced first hour. Eliza was only one road in search of intuitive readers in the back of a small library parked, was a woman with his Ph.D. along with several other degrees. Your personal biography, does not show - "credentials to say everything and mean nothing to the credentials," he said. It 'was also a woman who had traveled all over the world with small and large eventshave done everything for what it is. Relaxed as we began our relationship as friends to talk on the phone.

"Come back tomorrow afternoon, I'd like to meet someone." One night I said I was a bit 'before noon and it was with a woman from Siberia, the healing performed by introduced honey --- Honey is hot on my back and removed her hands from the body of toxins. Eliza and I were chatting informally and had a meeting - in the river and I soonI found myself laying on a soft pillow on the floor behind a partition in the back of this small library with warm honey poured on your back. Lost in the healing - an hour after my back was clean and the woman from Siberia, went with me to share all their insights learned from my body and myself. I had nothing - these two women lived only from the heart and really wanted to love through their gifts and talents to express.

How many of us canto truly understand how life can be lived, and the experience from the heart? Most people do not allow them to give life, and if nobody can be trusted or believed. "They want something from me," you might think, or "you need something from me" - How many of you think that "do not deserve to be loved just for me."? How many of you have this deep rooted in your belief system? It 's time to shake your faith and your light to shine and making lovePlease enter your world. This should be ......

Meet your heart - I know your heart - love your heart - hear your heart

In the process of sharing, I hope that these stories have awakened something in you. A new perspective, remembering, or perhaps even the birth of a primordial consciousness. I offer the following seven questions, which will introduce you directly to your heart and voice of your heart. The answers to these questions to yourself, your child, a close friend or moreFamily members will introduce you to the heart TALK. Listen carefully to this voice, the resonance of every heart - a new understanding of themselves and others to develop naturally.

1 In your free time, think over what you think, what most interests you or what do you think you here? What books do you read? 2 If you could express yourself in any way or style - dancing drawing, singing, writing? What would be yourultimate form of expression? 3 What you see first when you enter a room? Have you seen the first people, objects, shapes, colors, faces? 4 What makes you laugh? 5 What makes you shine? --- It 'a beautiful song with a group of close friends, helping others, even dance? 6 If an activity you can do today, what would it be? 7 What would incorporate these activities? In other words, what would classify these activities - the movement of the body? Working with color? Helpothers?

Write your answers down and look at all of them from a perspective broader context - could fly higher like a bird to find a more complete view of its surroundings to be more worms. What they all have in common? As you see your world and how you want to participate in your world? What form of expression that you want to offer the world? What do you like most? What makes you smile and shine? Your heart knows how and when you hear the answers to these questionsand continue to go to your heart speaks, listen and learn.

Listen to Your Heart Talk - 7 questions to learn more about you

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